Thursday, 27 September 2012

Content of Curriculum in Curriculum Specification

Curriculum Specification Science Form 5

1. Syllabus.
Curriculum Specification or CS is a part of the syllabus itself. CS consist all about the subject from the introduction, Aim, Objectives and theme.

2. Course or Program of Study.
Curriculum Specification or CS science form 5 including:

a) Biology.



b) Chemistry.

c) Physics.

3. Course Content Outline
In this CS, every theme that has been determine come together with the outline.



Analyse the 
motion of 
vehicles on land.

Analyse the concept of speed, velocity and acceleration.

1.3 Understanding the concept of inertia.


4. Planned experiences.


1.3 Understanding the concept of inertia. 
::Design and conduct an 
experiment to study the relationship between mass and inertia.

5. Academic Plan.


Analyse the 
motion of 
vehicles on land.

-Observe a bicycle and discuss its 
structure and principle of operation.

-View charts, videos or computer 
simulations and discuss the following:

(a) the structure and principle of 
operation of vehicles with engines.

(b) the structure and operation of:

i. four stroke petrol engine,
ii. four stroke diesel engine,
iii. two stroke petrol engine.

Compare and contrast the following in terms of structure, operation and the efficiency of the engines.

(a) the four stroke petrol engine with the four stroke diesel engine,

(b) the four stroke petrol engine with the two stroke petrol engine.

6. Standard 
 in CS, the standard has been written as learning outcomes. Learning outcomes state that every points that every students should be able to at the end of the teaching and learning process.

7. Scope and Sequences.
the syllabus in CS are following the right sequences in every theme depending on the level. students will be teach the easiest to the hardest level.

8. Textbook.
In Malaysia, learning and teaching process happen in classroom using the text book as the first reference book.

Curriculum Specification for Science form  5  consist all 8 aspect of curriculum.

Monday, 17 September 2012


is a process of training and teaching, particularly the children and youth in schools, colleges tinggi.dirancang to member knowledge and develop skills.

The education system in Malaysia is overseen by the Ministry of Education. Education Malaysia can be obtained from government-school, private school or on their own. Centralized education system, particularly for primary and secondary schools. The state government has no power over the curriculum and other aspects of primary education and secondary schools, but is determined by the ministry. There is a standard examination are a common feature of the Asian countries like Singapore and China.

Technology is a broad concept and has more than one definition. The first definition is the development and use of tools, machines, materials and processes to solve human problems

The definition of technology in schools and institutions of higher learning in Malaysia is the application of scientific knowledge that will benefit and solve human problems encountered in everyday life.

Educational technology or instructional technology is a complex and integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization for analyzing problems and designing, evaluating and managing the solution to the problems in situations where the learning process is aimed at control.
Instructional technology can also be meant as a tool or material used for the purpose of learning as well as teachers, textbooks and blackboard.

Put simply, technology education refers to the process of teaching or tools that can help teachers towards teaching and learning more effective. Technology can be the object material, such as machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader purposes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques.

process of gathering and interpreting information about students to make decisions that can enhance learning and teaching.
A teacher can conduct activities to measure and assess students through the review exercise. the general aim is to help increasing the quality of teaching and learning

Teaching is a work and activities undertaken jointly by teachers and students. This lesson is planned and meticulously sisitematik teachers to implement the methods and techniques appropriate to teach, guide, encourage and motivate students to take the initiative to learn, to acquire knowledge and the necessary skills.
What are the characteristics of Teaching?
-teachers and students,
-teachers as instructors and students as learners,
-only meaningful when there is learning,
-involves instruction followed by training, indoctrination and conditioning,
-involves the process of thinking and the use of language or symbols,
-nothing to do with work and achievement,
-centered activities can be carried out by teachers, students and teacher-student combination and resource-centered

Generally, "Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge or skill". By Robert M. Gagne (1970) in The Condition of Learning, learning is a "change in behavior or ability of a person that can be maintained, not including changes due to the process of growth."
According to Woolfolk (1980) in Educational Psychology for Teachers, learning is seen as the internal changes that happen to a person with forming a new relationship, or as potential who are willing to produce a new response.
An ongoing process,
Formal and informal,
Formally through school - reading, writing & computing etc.,
Informal basis through peers, family, media, environment.
Have theories or schools of learning,
Four major learning schools - behaviourist, cognitive, social and humanist.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Model Assure

Model Assure

Source : Here


The general characteristics of the students.
1. Existing knowledge and experience.
2. learning styles

State Objective

Teaching and learning objectives should be stated jelas.Ini is the direction of teaching and learning
In this regard, a good objective statement contains the following four criteria:
  1. Who is to be achieved? (Target group)
  2. What you want to achieve? 9Apakah form a new commission)
  3. How to achieve? (What are the commission)
  4. Aoakah minimum level of achievement? (performance standards)
Select Media, Method or Materials 
  • Making decisions about the most appropriate method with the objectives to be achieved.
  • Choosing the right media format with the method chosen.
  • Select, modify or redesign the learning resource materials.
Utilize Media and Materials
The next step is how media and resources in teaching and learning can be utilized by teachers and students. Check / preview / review resource materials prior to use in the classroom. Teachers must review / revise / watch the selected source material before use. This helps teachers to ensure the materials are suitable with the students and the teaching and learning objectives.

Require Leaner Participant 
raining in the form of discussions, drills, written exercises, language games and so can continue to maintain student involvement in learning activities.

Evaluate and Revise
This measure affects two aspects of assessment and evaluation assessment teaching learning. Assessment should be made ​​during the process of teaching and learning to ensure the selection of objectives, media and resources appropriate to the student's ability.

Title for assignment 1 ( Tugasan 1)

CHANG PEI XIAN ( D 20101037455)
1) Arguing to Learn and Learning to Argue: Case Studies of How Students' Argumentation Relates To Their
    Scientific Knowledge.

2) A Knowledge Base for Teaching Biology Situated in the Context of Genetic Testing