Monday, 10 December 2012

Split-Half Method

The step to do split-half reliability

Then, to find the correlation (relationship between 2 variables), we should plot a graph of the results of the two halves. The graph can plotted by using Microsoft Excel. The best graph, which mean the best correlation between two results, is when the gradient of the graph is equal to 1. If the gradient is equal to 1, it means that the questions for two halves is at the same level as their knowledge. The reliability that can be accepted is when the gradient is 0.7 till 1.0, below 0.7 the reliability is not accepted. 

Monday, 22 October 2012

Misconceptions About Nuclear Energy

Some misconceptions on Nuclear Energy

Study Case

Ribuan ikan mati timbulkan kebimbangan penduduk

MELAKA – Penduduk terkejut apabila menemui ribuan bangkai ikan darat pelbagai spesis terdampar di Sungai Rembia di Kampung Solok Jeram, dekat sini pagi semalam.
Kejadian disedari kira-kira jam 9 pagi oleh penduduk yang melalui kawasan berkenaan.
Seorang penduduk, Marzuki Talib, 41, berkata, dia dalam perjalanan menuju ke kandang kambing peliharaannya tidak jauh dari lokasi itu mendapati beberapa penduduk berkerumun di tepi sungai melihat longgokan ikan terbabit.
“Saya lihat segelintir mereka mengutip ikan terbabit yang masih ‘nyawa-nyawa ikan’ untuk dibawa pulang.
“Tetapi ada juga yang bimbang untuk menjadikannya lauk kerana takut beracun,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini semalam.
Marzuki berkata, antara ikan yang mati termasuk talapia, sembilang dan betuk.
“Sebelum ini, pernah berlaku kejadian serupa pada tahun lepas tetapi tidaklah seteruk ini.
“Saya mengesyaki ia berpunca dari kawasan perkilangan berhampiran yang besar kemungkinan mengalirkan sisa toksid sehingga menjadi punca pencemaran sungai,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Sidang Kampung Rembia, Mohd Soid Baba, ketika ditemui berkata, pihaknya bimbang terutama haiwan ternakan penduduk kampung yang menjadikan air di sungai berkenaan sumber minuman.
“Ekoran kejadian ini, kami sudah menghubungi Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) dan pihak berkenaan sudah mengambil sampel air dari sungai terbabit untuk dihantar ke Jabatan Kimia.
“Apa pun keputusannya, kami berharap supaya pihak yang terlibat janganlah membuang sisa toksid sehingga mencemarkan alam semulajadi khususnya kehidupan di sungai ini,” katanya.
Sumber: Sinar Harian

Analisis data/artikel.
·         Ribuan ikan darat mati dan terdampar di Sungai Rempia di Kampung Solok Jeram.
·         Penduduk di sekitar menjadikan sumber ikan di situ sebagai makanan harian
·         Haiwan ternakan menjadikan sungai di situ sebagai sumber minuman.
·         Kejadian berlaku mungkin berpunca dari kawasan kilang berdekatan yang mungkin mengalirkan sisa toksik.
·         Pernah berlaku kejadian yang serupa pada tahun lepas tetapi tidak seteruk ini.

Mencadangkan penyelesaian
·         Mengenal pasti punca kematian ikan
·         Mengambil sampel air dari sungai terbabit untuk menguji tahap pencemaran dan pH air.
·         Mengenal pasti kesan yang timbul atas haiwan ternakan yang menjadikan air di sungai sebagai sumber minuman
Menilai penyelesaian yang berpotensi
Menyelesaikan masalah
1.    Mengenal pasti punca kematian ikan
·         Mengambil sampel ikan.untuk Sampel ikan mestilah yang masih hidup, terdapat tanda-tanda sakit yang teruk dan baru dijangkiti.
·         Ikan dimasukkan ke dalam plastik dan diberi pengudaraan.
·         Sampel air diambil dari beberapa lokasi sungai dan dari punca air masuk dan keluar.
·         Air dimasukkan ke dalam botol plastik (500ml) dan ditutup rapat.

Masalah persekitaran
Virus 'outbreak'
Kematian serta-merta dalam kuantiti yang banyak dan tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda-tanda penyakit fizikal
Kematian berperingkat- peringkat, 2-10 ekor sehari.
Badan diselaputi lendir yang banyak.
Kematian berperingkat- peringkat, 2-10 ekor sehari.
Terdapat luka, kudis, kemerahan dan sebagainya
Kadar kematian akut dan tinggi.
Kematian selalunya melibatkan peringkat umur, spesis ikan tertentu.
Terdapat tanda klinikal
·         Mengetahui ciri-ciri ikan yang normal untuk di bandingkan dengan ikan yang sudah tercemar.

2.    Mengambil sampel air dari sungai terbabit untuk menguji tahap pencemaran dan pH air.
·         pH air dapat di uji dengan mengambil sampel dari sungai.
·         pH yang rendah bermaksud air berasid. Semakin rendah pH semakin berasid air.

3.    Mengenal pasti kesan yang timbul atas haiwan ternakan yang menjadikan air di sungai sebagai sumber minuman

Analisis air sisa akan dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti kandungan sisa toksik dalam air.  Air akan diuji dengan beberapa parameter fizikal dan kimia.
Parameter fizikal yang terlibat ialah:
v  Suhu air
-       Thermometer digunakan untuk mengambil bacaan suhu air di sungai yang terbabit.
v      pH air
-       pH meter yang mudah alih digunakan untuk mengambil bacaan pH di sungai tersebut.
v         Kekeruhan air
-       Kekeruhan air diuji dengan mengukur cahaya yang bertaburan oleh media cecair. Unit piawaian untuk kekeruhan ialah Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU).
-       Gunakan botol HDPE 500 ml untuk menangkap air dari bahagian bebas pengaliran air sungai.
v          Jumlah pepejal terampai.
-        Pepejal terampai ialah zarah-zarah yang terampai di dalam air yang tidak dapat larut. Pepejal teramapi pada kebiasaanya lebih besar daripada zarah-zarah organic dan zarah-zarah tak organic. Di antara contoh pepejal terampai seperti plastic, kayu, kertas, bangkai dan sebagainya.
-       Ia boleh diukur dengan menggunakan cara penapisan dan timbangan sample air yang telah dikeringkan.
Parameter kimia yang terlibat ialah:
v  Kandungan oksigen terlarut
-       Kandungan oksigen terlarut boleh diukur dengan parameter Permintaan Okisigen Biokimia (BOD) dan Permintaan Oksigen Kimia (COD).
-       Permintaan Oksigen Biokimia boleh ditakrifkan sebagai jumlah oksigen terlarut di dalam air yang diperlukan untuk pengoksidaan biokimia secara aerobic terhadap bahan organic yang wujud dalam air oleh mikroorganisma tertentu dalam tempoh masa yang tertentu. Sungai dikatakan mengalami pencemaran air serius sekiranya BOD air sungai kurang daripada 4mg/l.
-       Permintaan Oksigen Kimia (COD) ialah oksigen yang diperlukan untuk proses pengoksidaan bahan organik secara kimia kepada kaebon dioksida dan air.

v        Jumlah fosfat terlarut.
v        Sebatian nitrogen
-       Ammonia nitrogen merupakan parameter yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan proses eutrofikasi berlaku di sesebatang sungai. Nilai ammonia yang tinggi menunjukkan kehadiran baja, najis haiwan atau kumbahan domestic. Nilai ammonia yang melebihi 1mg/l menunjukkan wujudnya aktiviti penguraian oleh bakteria dalam sungai kerana kehadiran ammonia yang berlebihan.  
  Satu eksperimen juga akan dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti kesan terhadap haiwan ternakan yang    minum air sungai tersebut.
 Dalam eksperimen tersebut, tikus makmal akan diggunakan.
1.      3 ekor tikus akan diletakkan dalam sangkar dengan bekalan air dari sungai tersebut.
2.      3 ekor tikus akan diletakkan dalam sangkar dengan bekalan air bersih.
3.      Dari segi makanan, makanan yang sama dari segi kualiti dan kuantiti akan diberikan kepada tikus-tikus tersebut.
4.      Tikus-tikus tersebut akan diperhatikan dari hari ke hari.
5.      Segala perubahan yang berlaku atas tikus-tikus tersebut akan direkodkan.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Problem Based Learning

Problem Scenario:
Andy bought a loaf of bread from a bakery, but when he reached home, he discovers small dark green specks of mould on it. He goes back to the bakery to get a refund, but owner refuses, insisting the bread was freshly made. Andy is now wondering what has caused the mould to grow and what he can do about the situations.

  • Andy discovers small dark green specks of mould on bread that he bought from a bakery.
  • Andy goes back to the bakery to get refund.
  • Owner of the bakery refuses refund of Andy and insist that the bread was freshly made.

  • The bread is not fresh (expired).
  • Andy careless.
  • The ingredients of the bread spoiled.
  • The bread exposed to factors that promote growth of moulds.
  • The owner is lying.

  • What has caused the mould to grow?
  • What is the life cycle of the mould?
  • What type of mould that grow on the bread?
  • What is the consumer right?
  • Does mould bring harm to human?

  • Searching information through the internet.
  • Discuss among group members.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Inquiry-Based Learning Lesson Plan

Analyse the changes in the states of matter through experiment.

Learning outcomes:
A student is able to :

  1. explain the melting and freezing point based on the kinetic theory of matter.
  2. relate changes in heat to changes in kinetic energy of the particles in matter.
Lesson Plan:
teacher will asked students:
1.Do you know how many states of matter in this earth? 
2.Do you know what is the melting point of water? 
3.What is the relationship of kinetic theory and the changes occur to matter?
4.Have you heard that the disintegration of ice is occurring in Arctic?Why would it occurred?

In this activity, student will work in groups (3 students per group) to study about the melting and freezing point of napthalene based on kinetic theory of matter through an experiment.  Student will be provided with the following materials and apparatus and they are required to build their own experiment. Students can discuss in their group and find information through books and internet. Teacher will guide them throughout the experiment.

To determine the melting and freezing point of naphthalene and understanding of kinetic theory of matter

Materials provided:
Napthalene, C10H8

Apparatus provided:
Boiling tube
250 ml beaker
thermometer (0-100 Celcius)
Tripod stand
Retort Stand with Clamp
Bunsen Burner
Conical flask
Wire gauze

At the end of the class, teacher will explained if there is any misconception about the kinetic theory of matter.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Content of Curriculum in Curriculum Specification

Curriculum Specification Science Form 5

1. Syllabus.
Curriculum Specification or CS is a part of the syllabus itself. CS consist all about the subject from the introduction, Aim, Objectives and theme.

2. Course or Program of Study.
Curriculum Specification or CS science form 5 including:

a) Biology.



b) Chemistry.

c) Physics.

3. Course Content Outline
In this CS, every theme that has been determine come together with the outline.



Analyse the 
motion of 
vehicles on land.

Analyse the concept of speed, velocity and acceleration.

1.3 Understanding the concept of inertia.


4. Planned experiences.


1.3 Understanding the concept of inertia. 
::Design and conduct an 
experiment to study the relationship between mass and inertia.

5. Academic Plan.


Analyse the 
motion of 
vehicles on land.

-Observe a bicycle and discuss its 
structure and principle of operation.

-View charts, videos or computer 
simulations and discuss the following:

(a) the structure and principle of 
operation of vehicles with engines.

(b) the structure and operation of:

i. four stroke petrol engine,
ii. four stroke diesel engine,
iii. two stroke petrol engine.

Compare and contrast the following in terms of structure, operation and the efficiency of the engines.

(a) the four stroke petrol engine with the four stroke diesel engine,

(b) the four stroke petrol engine with the two stroke petrol engine.

6. Standard 
 in CS, the standard has been written as learning outcomes. Learning outcomes state that every points that every students should be able to at the end of the teaching and learning process.

7. Scope and Sequences.
the syllabus in CS are following the right sequences in every theme depending on the level. students will be teach the easiest to the hardest level.

8. Textbook.
In Malaysia, learning and teaching process happen in classroom using the text book as the first reference book.

Curriculum Specification for Science form  5  consist all 8 aspect of curriculum.

Monday, 17 September 2012


is a process of training and teaching, particularly the children and youth in schools, colleges tinggi.dirancang to member knowledge and develop skills.

The education system in Malaysia is overseen by the Ministry of Education. Education Malaysia can be obtained from government-school, private school or on their own. Centralized education system, particularly for primary and secondary schools. The state government has no power over the curriculum and other aspects of primary education and secondary schools, but is determined by the ministry. There is a standard examination are a common feature of the Asian countries like Singapore and China.

Technology is a broad concept and has more than one definition. The first definition is the development and use of tools, machines, materials and processes to solve human problems

The definition of technology in schools and institutions of higher learning in Malaysia is the application of scientific knowledge that will benefit and solve human problems encountered in everyday life.

Educational technology or instructional technology is a complex and integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization for analyzing problems and designing, evaluating and managing the solution to the problems in situations where the learning process is aimed at control.
Instructional technology can also be meant as a tool or material used for the purpose of learning as well as teachers, textbooks and blackboard.

Put simply, technology education refers to the process of teaching or tools that can help teachers towards teaching and learning more effective. Technology can be the object material, such as machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader purposes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques.

process of gathering and interpreting information about students to make decisions that can enhance learning and teaching.
A teacher can conduct activities to measure and assess students through the review exercise. the general aim is to help increasing the quality of teaching and learning

Teaching is a work and activities undertaken jointly by teachers and students. This lesson is planned and meticulously sisitematik teachers to implement the methods and techniques appropriate to teach, guide, encourage and motivate students to take the initiative to learn, to acquire knowledge and the necessary skills.
What are the characteristics of Teaching?
-teachers and students,
-teachers as instructors and students as learners,
-only meaningful when there is learning,
-involves instruction followed by training, indoctrination and conditioning,
-involves the process of thinking and the use of language or symbols,
-nothing to do with work and achievement,
-centered activities can be carried out by teachers, students and teacher-student combination and resource-centered

Generally, "Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge or skill". By Robert M. Gagne (1970) in The Condition of Learning, learning is a "change in behavior or ability of a person that can be maintained, not including changes due to the process of growth."
According to Woolfolk (1980) in Educational Psychology for Teachers, learning is seen as the internal changes that happen to a person with forming a new relationship, or as potential who are willing to produce a new response.
An ongoing process,
Formal and informal,
Formally through school - reading, writing & computing etc.,
Informal basis through peers, family, media, environment.
Have theories or schools of learning,
Four major learning schools - behaviourist, cognitive, social and humanist.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Model Assure

Model Assure

Source : Here


The general characteristics of the students.
1. Existing knowledge and experience.
2. learning styles

State Objective

Teaching and learning objectives should be stated jelas.Ini is the direction of teaching and learning
In this regard, a good objective statement contains the following four criteria:
  1. Who is to be achieved? (Target group)
  2. What you want to achieve? 9Apakah form a new commission)
  3. How to achieve? (What are the commission)
  4. Aoakah minimum level of achievement? (performance standards)
Select Media, Method or Materials 
  • Making decisions about the most appropriate method with the objectives to be achieved.
  • Choosing the right media format with the method chosen.
  • Select, modify or redesign the learning resource materials.
Utilize Media and Materials
The next step is how media and resources in teaching and learning can be utilized by teachers and students. Check / preview / review resource materials prior to use in the classroom. Teachers must review / revise / watch the selected source material before use. This helps teachers to ensure the materials are suitable with the students and the teaching and learning objectives.

Require Leaner Participant 
raining in the form of discussions, drills, written exercises, language games and so can continue to maintain student involvement in learning activities.

Evaluate and Revise
This measure affects two aspects of assessment and evaluation assessment teaching learning. Assessment should be made ​​during the process of teaching and learning to ensure the selection of objectives, media and resources appropriate to the student's ability.

Title for assignment 1 ( Tugasan 1)

CHANG PEI XIAN ( D 20101037455)
1) Arguing to Learn and Learning to Argue: Case Studies of How Students' Argumentation Relates To Their
    Scientific Knowledge.

2) A Knowledge Base for Teaching Biology Situated in the Context of Genetic Testing